Attorney Fee Agreement
Nebraska Ethics Board Gives Lawyers OK to Accept Bitcoin, with Caveats
More large law firms are accepting bitcoin payments for their legal services, signaling the digital currency’s firmer foothold in corporate America.
When securing your fee is not a priority
A recent case before the Utah Court of Appeals saw a law firm challenge a trial court’s ruling that a judgment creditor’s right to a set off takes priority over the firm’s right to rents under an assignment. The court of appeals ultimately disagreed with the law firm’s argument that, as an assignee, the firm had priority over a judgment creditor. The appellate court concluded that the law firm merely “stood in the shoes of its assignor,” and, because the […]
What Constitutes an Invalid Fee Agreement?
In a recent case before the Utah Supreme Court, the Court was faced with determining whether an appellant was entitled to attorney fees and whether her counsel’s fee agreement was valid. In, Dahl v. Dahl, the Supreme Court held that the appellant was not entitled to attorney fees. Initially, the Supreme Court denied the appellant’s request for attorney fess on the ground that the appellant was not entitled to an award of fees because she failed to demonstrate her financial […]